Wednesday, December 9, 2009

India: Re-Dividing or Re-Arranging

Telangana Issue...So much fuss over dividing regions...
When the world: Europe, North & South America, even Indian Subcontinent (SAARC) are moving to form United lands, States within India think otherwise.

It would be highly unfair to either support or not support divisions. Both sides have their own reasons. Lets take this opportunity to go to the roots of the issue.

Problem: As I see it, there are various issues:
  1. Non-uniform levels of penetration of development to various areas..... Here development includes knowledge/education centers, employment, infrastructure.
  2. The whole of the power being concentrated at the Capital city of a State. As a guy from Chattisgarh puts it, before division, people had to travel 14 hours to Bhopal for any high court case, counselling or any other major work...... But now after the formation of Chattisgarh, the capital, Raipur is 4 hours from different regions of the state.
Now, I must clarify, I am not in the favour of dividing regions, but in favour of finding effective solutions for the issues. Lets brainstorm some probabilities:
  1. Maximum of the issues would get resolved if India's political & administrative structure take a cue from the corporate houses. If the MPs, MLAs, Municipalities, Panchayats do their job [ONLY requirement is they do their JOB]. This would eradicate a lot of non uniformities.
  2. De-centralisation is the key. I agree that we have Panchayats to meet this. But we need more. We need to develop satellite towns and cities across the state, which can cater to the needs of the people across the length & breadth of the State. These cities can have shared networks, so that the burden is eased off the capital city.
  3. A strong point to aid the points above is taking responsibility & rising to the occasion. A very strong factor is culture. People grow up to be what they are as per the way they are groomed. Political parties, Organisations, Corporates should develop a culture of inclusiveness, mixing local factors along with internationalisation.
As a common man, an individual, I am concerned with facilities reaching me at the end of the day. I want to see my "tax paying Rs" creating value for me & my family. Be it 1 state or 2 or 3 is immaterial when it comes to existence.

We do not live in a world of seclusion. There is high level of inter dependance between all sections, n that is a great factor fostering evolution & growth. So the solution lies in acceptance; In Enforcing present structure rather than creating new complexities.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is my nth attempt at starting a blog....

Every time i have been inspired to write something, I have stepped back doubting my proficiency at display of words!! What should I put down? How should it be put? Well let me think of something cool....hmmmmm….
Should it be a good poem? a nice story? a reaction to some event?
And in the thought process, I get bored and move to other modes of amusement ;)

Now that I have initiated the walk to my freedom letting my self-delusions & apprehensions to die out peacefully; Now that I no longer crave for an external feedback, I finally am successful in giving myself a little happiness in doing something I have wanted to since long…. :o)

Looking at it… It is simply amazing how hard we try to fall out of our natural frequency and to tune-into others’ frequencies….. The point beyond realization is that, all this is done to gain “Acceptance & Appreciation”, which is wrongly identified with love, fame-or-popularity & power-or-control!!

Again the truth is: it’s the damaged ego that “searches for” & “collects” the misnomers instead of the real ones. It is also true that it is difficult to actually achieve the “Ultimate” unless we discover back our natural frequencies…the Innocence, Love, the Un-adulterated, the Self…

So unless it's Perfection.... an Infinity or a Zero, we tend to shuttle & cycle between the analogues trying to round-off, trying to filter, trying to burn & trying to rise out of Ashes...